Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Trip To The Train Station

You always hear the phrase "you don't need to spend money to have fun with your kids!" but like any family we often fall into the money trap on weekends. Sometimes it's shopping, sometimes going out to eat, and sometimes other random activities that cost money. I don't like that we always seem to shell out big bucks when we go out as a family (especially since we're currently working on a budget), so I was thrilled when the highlight of this past weekend didn't cost us a thing.

The gross weather started on Friday and continued all weekend. It was cloudy, rainy, chilly and blah. On Friday the kids and I never left the house. Saturday was spent running errands. Our Sunday plans got cancelled due to the weather.

By Sunday afternoon we had all had it. We were cranky and irritable and knew we needed to do something to get ourselves out of the house and out of our moods. The rain had stopped, and even though it wasn't sunny we decided to head out. 

We drove 5 minutes to our local bike path, and let Stephanie walk. She ended up running in fits and spurts for the better part of a mile, letting us get ahead of her and then running to catch up.

Can you tell someone was sick of being cooped up?
By the time we walked for a mile and turned around (because someone needed to use the potty) the sun had broken through the clouds.

There is a train station at the end of the bike path, and after stopping to use their bathroom we decided to wait for the next train to arrive. We took the elevator to the lookout tower and witnessed three trains arriving and departing.

Both children were fascinated by the vastness of the huge trains. Stephanie exclaimed over the conductor, the passengers, and the clanging sounds. The whoosh of the train as it passed by us thrilled them both, and they laughed with excitement.

When the trains were all gone and we finally got in the car, Stephanie couldn't stop talking about the "5 trains we saw!" Joseph said "choo choo" whenever we prompted him. Two days later, our trip to the train station and the bike path is still being discussed in earnest.

Who would have thought that such a simple outing would have such a big impact. I'm thankful for the reminder that, to children, everyday occurrences like these are the things memories are made of. We don't have to have big outings and trips and adventures in order for our children to have a fulfilling and enriching childhood. Some of the best experiences are the ones that don't cost a thing!


  1. Its so true...sometimes the most fun is FREE!

  2. We were antsy to get out of the house this weekend too! It is hard with little ones and cruddy conditions! I finally put them in rain boots and sent them into the yard to play in the dirt. lol

  3. Love little trips like this. You could imagine the cost for 6 kids. so we try to find cheap or free outings as much as possible! there was always a lot in florida. I have to keep looking for some here in louisiana

  4. How fun!! And it is so true that the slightest things can entertain and thrill kids. I love it. :)


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