Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week 1: January Check-In

It's been one week since I wrote my January resolution post, and i'm happy to report that I've been meeting many of my goals to get healthy this month.

I've been using MyFitnessPal to track all my food, and while I've been over my allotted calories more days than not, I'm happy that I'm at least tracking.

I've been doing cardio work-outs most days. (I work on a 3 days of working out followed by 1 day off schedule.) I started out running at night after the kids went to bed and I had done all my computer work. It ended up being 9pm by the time I actually got around to it, and I would feel nauseous from being so tired. Now I'm trying to squeeze it in during nap time instead which is working out much better. (Eventually I'd like to get up early enough to do it before kids wake up.)

I've also been doing well waking up when the alarm goes off at 6am so I can have a cup of coffee and start the day with a little me-time. (I do hit the snooze a few times though...I'd like to stop that part!)

Things I haven't done quite so well:

-Drink water. I just forget. I need to track the glasses I drink to keep myself accountable.
-Snack less. I have good days and bad days with this one.
-Go to bed by 11. It's still closer to 11:30 most nights. I'm determined to change that.

I'm going to keep plugging away at all these goals to make myself healthier in January. Did you make any goals/resolutions? Have you been keeping them?


  1. Good job, mama! I love bringing my Nalgene bottles everywhere and drink it twice a day. Good luck getting to bed... Let me know how to get in bed earlier!!

    1. Thank you! I have a few water bottles, I need to start bringing them around with me :)

  2. Good luck! I am doing monthly challenges January is no tv. Yikes! I found you on mommy mixer, I'm a new follower.

    1. Ooooh that's a good one! Thanks for following :)

  3. Good job. I only really tracked 2 days. This morning I said I need to go to bed earlier when I snoozed the alarm for 45 minutes.

    1. I'm trying really hard not to hit snooze. It's not easy, that's for sure.

  4. nice job, meg!! I am terrible at drinking water all day, too. after i have my coffee in the morning, i just don't get thirsty til dinnertime. i know it's not ideal. so now i bought those little no calorie flavor packets for my water and keep it in a canteen and i tend to drink more that way. i look forward to the day when i can get to bed before 11:30, too. :)

    1. Oh, that's a good suggestion, thanks. I'll have to buy some of those packets. :)


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